Cam Score: 1000
Meaning of Life: Oooh. There's definitely something bigger than us out there, but I think that it is our 'energy' or the stuff that binds us together that breaks down (scientific I know) and eventually reforms into new life and things (bit more spiritual). So everything we do eventually feeds into something else and everything has an impact in some way.
Things I Can't Live Without: Coffee (decaf) Cheese Naughty activities Nakedness Music
Fun Activities: Go walking naked in the beautiful Welsh landscape making FOOTPRINTS for my TV channel. Going for a coffee and sketching. Drinking a nice glass of Pet Nat, a real ale and occasionally a big Almond Croissant.
Favorite Songs: Music by Thomas & Muse (my group) David Bowie Bach Cello Suites David Byrne Frank Zappa Chet Baker Matt Berry R.E.M Ian Dury, The Blockheads Gong The Kinks
Favorite Movies: The 'Alien' movies. The 'Jurassic Park' movies Anything Starwars
Craziest Thing I've Done: Well I constantly do lots of naked things. I have my own TV channel, I am part of an amazing music and art collab called Thomas & Muse and we do lots of 'out there' performance art, music and music vids, plus podcasts too! I am also part of Lume Productions and make adult content (female led), it is very naughty but a bit different to the usual porn. One time I was doing a photo shoot in a fetish studio on a morgue table, which upended, sending me flying into a medical (real skeleton). He and I were in pieces!
Desired Location: South of France, naked on a beach.
Hobbies: Art (painting and drawing) Performance art Singing Writing Vintage Fashion Podcasting Modelling Cooking Exploring the outdoors Naked Lifestyle
Talents: I'm an artist
Perfect Date: Coffee Food Naked time Sex lol
Turn Ons/Offs: Turn ons: Fun, honest, passionate in their interests, relaxed, quirky.
Best Reason to Know Me: I'm honestly just a real down to earth person. I enjoy nakedness and body positivity and spreading good vibes because it makes me feel good. I'm not a catwalk model and there isn't anything enhanced about me. I'm a petite, quirky welsh lady and I have a quirky sense of humour and eccentric arty tastes to match. I'll never judge you and I love to chat and explore what gets you going. I love the kinky and odd and all shapes and sizes. It's what happens in your mind that counts!
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