Cam Score: 1000
Meaning of Life: i want to be best of something and me proud of me !
Things I Can't Live Without: my laptop, my cat , my phone, my dreams , my makeups
Fun Activities: shopping , watch serials , eat good food , meet with my friends
Favorite Songs: i like a lot of songs
Favorite Movies: I have a lot
Craziest Thing I've Done: i sleep with my friends in the forest haha
Desired Location: i would be in new york and make shopping
Hobbies: i like shopping , makeup and make hot pics for you haha
Talents: i like to talk and to listen , i think i will be a good psychologist
Perfect Date: i love simple things, perfect date can be at my place , with good order food and a good movie :p maybe a romantic dance on our favorite song ..
Turn Ons/Offs: i dont like to receive orders , i love equality
Best Reason to Know Me: becouse im a good person, and i will be happy to listen you, know u better and make u feel special