Cam Score: 1000
Meaning of Life: Is to help others while on your journey of self discovery. We all have wounds from childhood that follow us into adulthood so its apart of our mission to heal those wounds and go back to the pure and loving souls we were as children. In order to do that, we have to really know ourselves from the things we like and dont like, the things we'll tolerate or not accept... Do you know what you want ? Well I hope you found her (;
Fun Activities: Depends on my mood(; I have fun in many.. many waays
Favorite Movies: I love psychological thrillers and Scary movies ! Any movie that keeps me at the edge of my seat is my type of movie. Also movies with nauughty scenes lol
Desired Location: Naked on a beach being fed grapes of course.. Isn't that where everyone wants to be right now ?
Hobbies: Self care is one my favorite hobbies. Walking in nature, journaling, drawing, getting my hair and nails done, doing my make up and so much more are all forms of self care that I enjoy on the daily. I love to pamper myself.
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