Cam Score: 892
Meaning of Life: Cliche but to love and be loved. It's simple but I think it pretty much nails it, at least right now in my current spiritual and emotional journey.
Things I Can't Live Without: This is so hard because part of me wants to be uber practical and the other part wants to list the things I am addicted to because let's be honest, our phones are glued to our faces! Fire Starter, Phone with backup battery, Water Filtration of some kind, Altoids or Gum, Medical Kit
Fun Activities: Painting, gardening, editing endless recorded and custom videos!
Favorite Songs: You'll hear in my shows I have a very eclectic taste in music from darkcore drum and bass to classical music and everything intricate and amazing in between. I love finding new songs but also listening to oldies I've forgotten about and hearing them with a new, wiser set of ears.
Favorite Movies: I am a relic of the 90s so every action movie in existence I probably saw on the weekend. I love deep, heavy, meaningful movies with a message, even a terrible ending. I love to watch poorly rated Sci-Fi movies like Sharknado VI just for the fun of it because who doesn't love a terrible low-budget catastrophe? :)
Craziest Thing I've Done: Giving birth but outside of that skydiving and learning how to drive on ice and snow when I moved to the Midwest!
Desired Location: The beach... hands down!
Hobbies: Oil and pastel mixed media paint. You'll actually see two prints in the background of most my shows because I love to display some of my work. The originals have been sold or were in local art galleries where I used to live... which shall remain a secret for you crazies out there. I am an artist in my soul and everything creative radiates from that source.
Talents: I can tie a cherry stem into a knot using my tongue. Trips to Sonic are a lot of fun with me.
Perfect Date: We'd probably have a picnic for lunch together in a public park followed by an intellectual deep dive into a museum or local bookstore. I used to hang out at Borders, Hastings and all the usual bookstores, movie and gaming places when I was younger. The date would end with a nice steak dinner and ice cream looking up at a clear sky counting the stars and snuggling together. As you can tell, I love to be outside so anything hiking, swimming, climbing, diving and traveling is also right up on my bucket list!
Turn Ons/Offs: Broad shoulders, dadbods, creativity, kind words and good vibrations! Obviously who likes being insulted or negged on here so use your common sense and personal judgement.
Best Reason to Know Me: I'll surprise you if you take time to peel back the layers.
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