Meaning of Life: Wow ... This is an excellent question ... it can sound something silly but I question it every day, when I feel that I find the meaning of life, something that makes me think differently and I return to the same place. So far I think that the true meaning is happiness ... you should not do something you do not like or something you are forced, either for money or the reason it is, you should not be in a place or with people or In a job other than your liking, you must do what it really makes you happy, because you get to old age having repentments, I feel it can be the worst.
Things I Can't Live Without: - My one dogs - My phone - food - More food ... lol - Without water and light
Favorite Songs: I love all the music, I do not have preferences
Favorite Movies: - Harry Potter - As well as on earth as in hell - All the movies of the Adam Sandler actor
Hobbies: I like to skate, I really like video games, especially call of dutty, parchis, Free fire Among many others
Talents: Sing, play some instruments such as guitar, ukulele and battery
Perfect Date: perfect date would be at the eiffel tower in the moonlight or in greece dressed in white and enjoying the wind
Turn Ons/Offs: I like creative sex I don't like being wasted my time