Cam Score: 2391
Meaning of Life: training of life to know love
Things I Can't Live Without: Cat contact lens water vegetable conversation
Fun Activities: moving kitchen garden solo camp trip
Favorite Songs: BTS Fabius Constable sakamoto ryuiti yorusika
Favorite Movies: hauru no ugokusiro ka-ruziisann no soratobuie kurutano boukenn
Craziest Thing I've Done: Having escaped from the hospital
Desired Location: Relax in Hawaii
Hobbies: Light muscle training walking hot spring sauna trip Beauty and health
Talents: empath constitution
Perfect Date: September 25th my birthday
Best Reason to Know Me: I want to treat people with compassion. Even if we can't see each other's faces, I think we can connect with each other. I want to be sincere in order to build a relationship of trust. I received a lot of kindness and love when I came here. My lonely heart was healed thanks to warm people. I want to always remember to be grateful.
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