Cam Score: 1558
Things I Can't Live Without: Books, music, nature, art and water.
Favorite Songs: Top 5 favorite songs: She knows, L.E.S by Childish Gambino, Foushe - Deep End, Je Te Laisserai Des Mots, and She Wants Revenge - Tear you apart.
Favorite Movies: Some of my favorites have to be: Salt, Split, Don't Breathe, Hunger games series, Divergent series, and Mortal Instruments.
Craziest Thing I've Done: Probably cliff jumping off a 35-40foot high cliff, nearly drowned but it was fun!
Desired Location: Visiting all the amazingly beautiful places this world has to offer.
Hobbies: Writing my own fantasy books, listening to music, sketching, painting, tattoo drawings, and much more.
Perfect Date: A picnic in a beautiful forest/woody area, hopefully away from other people so we don't get disturbed while trying to enjoy each other's time together.
Best Reason to Know Me: I can't really give you a best reason to get to know me, that's really up to how you personally think about others but I consider myself to be really kind and caring towards others. I can really get into the sexual side of everything but I do enjoy a nice mundane conversation.