Cam Score: 755
Meaning of Life: My meaning of life has changed over the years and with the damage but I think that enjoying the little things is the best. Time does not return so we must live one day at a time, without fear of making mistakes since a new day is a opportunity to be happy
Favorite Songs: I like classical music, I like salsa and some urban genres. ballads make me relax and enjoy life
Favorite Movies: My favorite movies are romance movies because I believe in love and fairy tales, I like comedy and suspense movies even more than horror and I also like Marvel movies, I enjoy all those sagas whenever I can. But I'm a bigger fan of all the Harry Potter movies.
Hobbies: Although I love going to the beach, it is not something I do constantly, I like movies, reading, I enjoy nature, cooking and cleaning the small place where I live. I hope that more than a job this is my new lifestyle because I love meeting people and talking about various topics and learning from each person that passes through my life, I hope they get to know me that I am more than tokens and sex although I love both
Talents: I don't really know what my talent is but as a person I like to help and advise people, I like to make them feel comfortable with me and be a good friend too, get to know me! you will not regret it
Perfect Date: My perfect date would be the perfect date and by this I mean that I like to talk over ear, to have a drink for both of us without having too much, so that we both feel confident so we can get to know each other.
Turn Ons/Offs: I am turned on by eroticism, sensuality and above all the love that makes me feel desired and that they want to be with me, I like to be dominated but if you are one of those who likes to be dominated I know how to make you excited I don't like those men who have no respect for what I do, who want sexual things without stimulation, who treat me badly and who are not chivalrous.
Best Reason to Know Me: I think a good reason to get to know me is my personalities, my sensuality and ability to empathize deeply. I am an inveterate romantic and I want to convey that.