Cam Score: 2576
Meaning of Life: Everyone has certain principles and stereotypes in life. Some people live one day without any plans or plans for the future, while others, on the contrary, go all their life to the intended goal, without straying from its path. The goal is a reference point, to which a person strives. Growing up, I began to wonder if a person needs a goal, or it is more pleasant to live enjoying the present moment, and solve problems as they occur. There are different goals in life: some people strive for perfection in spiritual sense, some people want to become completely independent in material sense, for some people the most important goal is to become a respectable family man, for others the most important goal is to have a successful career. There are big, global goals, but they are divided into small steps, and overcoming each step leads to the achievement of the most important peak. But the most important thing when setting goals and objectives is to decide if achieving the goal will bring happiness. But everyone interprets happiness differently. Personally, for me, happiness is the health of my loved ones.Summing up, we can conclude that having a goal in life, of course, it is necessary. But goals need to be achieved so that the process of achieving goals brought joy. It is also necessary to consider the opinion of other people. Not good if a person in order to meet their desires, stepping over others, and sometimes ready to go on the meanness, and even crime. Also, goals must be realistic, so that one does not live his whole life dreaming and dreaming about something beyond the limits, without achieving the goal.
Favorite Songs: I like classical, pop, and jazz, I think all music is beautiful.
Favorite Movies: TITANIC, and everything about love)
Hobbies: I think volunteering means more than just a word. I think a volunteer is a person who has no limits to kindness and desire to help. This is a person who improves every day and adds to his piggy bank of good deeds and even the tiniest, but a good deed is already good, a volunteer is not only self-fulfilling but also helps others to realize themselves. Since childhood I wanted to help society, to bring people joy, to give love, warmth, care and support. I think that everyone needs it, not just people. Both people and animals and in general all living things need to be taken care of. It is volunteers who try to help everyone in need, they do not turn away from the needy, they smile and help him.
Talents: I've been doing ballroom dancing for 15 years. I love it very much. When I was very young, I loved to sit in front of the TV for hours and watch how beautiful and fast the graceful and graceful dancing couples were flying over the floor. Ballroom dancing is an amazing and mesmerizing spectacle. Now that I have been dancing for five years, I, too, participate in competitions and can watch live the elegant couples twirling across the parquet. It should be said that in order to achieve such skill and such lightness and grace, which dancers of C or D categories of any age demonstrate, it is necessary to make enormous efforts and to spend not one hour a day and not one year in training. Dancing is tremendous work. But, as in any business, the more effort and work an athlete puts into their training, the easier and simpler what they do looks, and the viewer gets the impression that the virtuoso performance of the Aliman fan is so easy. My favorite Latin American dances The one I love the most is the samba. It is, indeed, as they call it, the dance of happiness. It requires virtuoso mastery of the body, amazingly fast, powerful, but at the same time graceful and gentle movements. And how beautiful the fiery cha-cha-cha dance is! When I first started doing it, it seemed to me that it is simply unreal to move so quickly and deftly. And how beautiful it is! THE MOVEMENTS OF THE PARTNERS ARE ADJUSTED TO THE MILLIMETER, EACH TURN OF THE HEAD AND EACH GESTURE OF THE HAND ARE HONED TO AUTOMATISM BY MANY HOURS OF TRAINING. Love Dance - Rumba, which is considered a slow dance of the Latin American program, in fact, is not at all. Of course, it is danced with slow and beautiful music, but a professional dancer performs the movements in such a way that some of them last and last, they are amazingly smooth and graceful, and the other movements are simply lightning fast. A rumba danced in one tempo looks monotonous and boring, and if it is performed correctly, the viewer simply cannot take his or her mesmerized gaze away from the moving couple.