Meaning of Life: Love
Things I Can't Live Without: Sun Air Water Food Weed
Fun Activities: Whipple my ranglepommas
Favorite Songs: BUSH!
Favorite Movies: Pretty much if it was made in the 90s, I love it! lol
Craziest Thing I've Done: When riding down an ole dirt road, I came across a Rinerronerause. It was very unhappy. Then I drove on by and its wings started to burst into flames. I rushed to the waterkazoo and filled it with haste. I ran with furry back to the scene with no luck in my strength to attempt to douse the flames. The mingermader was spinning as the yippernaps sang. The only thing left was to grab the pineapple and trample into the sea.
Desired Location: Uranus
Hobbies: Meditation, Yoga, painting, reading, cruising around in the matrix and being me!
Talents: I am the BEST at being me!
Perfect Date: I prefer Medjool
Best Reason to Know Me: The small freckle near my asshole is pretty spectacular