Cam Score: 371
Meaning of Life: Sometimes, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.
Things I Can't Live Without: Food, sleep , friends , weed and SEX!
Fun Activities: Movies, park, music... whatever relaxes me.
Favorite Songs: everything that makes me dance
Favorite Movies: I have many , but horror and comedy are the best :)
Craziest Thing I've Done: I don't remember doing something crazy and worth mentioning.
Desired Location: I'm ok with where I am.
Hobbies: read about all from this fucking big world !
Talents: Being beautiful .
Perfect Date: Any man with a working brain.
Turn Ons/Offs: if you are not smart I am satisfied with a kiss and slow sex
Best Reason to Know Me: If you want to add a new friend to your list, come and meet me, simple.